Stories of impact

Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement


How a Spanish-language assessment opened new doors for church planters

Converge’s first-ever assessment for Spanish-speaking church planters had energy and unity we’d never seen.

Sep 5 2024

What is ‘Minnesota Nice,’ and how did a Converge church reach its multi-ethnic community by shedding the label?

Community of Nations Church’s name change goes beyond symbolism as it transitions to multi-ethnic in leadership and practice.

Dec 16 2020

Converge Unleash 2020: Dr. Bryan Loritts

Since we have been vertically reconciled to God through Jesus’ death on the cross, we also should be horizontally reconciled to each other, reaching across the ethnic divide.

Jan 31 2020

Watch Night Service has special meaning for African-American Christians

The annual New Year’s Eve tradition commemorates and celebrates the night of December 31, 1862, when slaves received the official word of their freedom.

Dec 30 2019

Dia de Martin Luther King: Cómo las Iglesias Converge pueden continuar el legado

El legado del Dr. Martín Luther King Jr. nos llama a nosotros como movimiento para seguir avanzando hacia la justicia y la igualdad, alcanzando a personas de todos los colores, culturas y categorías con el evangelio de Jesucristo para iniciar y fortalecer iglesias y para enviar misioneros a todo el mundo.

Jan 16 2019
