Stories of impact

Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement


Converge welcomed nine global worker candidates to its Missionary Discovery & Assessment

Eight candidates receive a go, meaning they are ready to serve in cross-cultural ministry with minimal preparation.

Jul 26 2024

Love disarms as global workers find success where insults fail

A couple’s approach to sharing their faith in a Muslim community is building bridges rather than walls.

Jul 23 2024

Pastor’s passion sparks higher level of ministry for Converge global worker

Ministering to Brits plus people from least-reached nations stirs the heart of U.K. & Ireland Initiative workers

Jul 16 2024

Internet click leads to international ministry

A Converge global worker is serving youth in a least-reached British city, thanks in part to an unexpected link.

Jul 9 2024

Global worker, local church helping Scottish people be a ‘wee bit more hopeful’

Being in God’s family has changed Jody Carrell’s life. He’s given her a ministry so that others can experience it, too.

Jul 2 2024
