Stories of impact

Inspirational stories and news of God's work throughout the Converge movement

Converge News

Converge welcomed nine global worker candidates to its Missionary Discovery & Assessment

Eight candidates receive a go, meaning they are ready to serve in cross-cultural ministry with minimal preparation.

Jul 26 2024

Converge President Nomination Announcement

Today, the Board of Overseers is recommending its unanimous support for the nomination of Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. as Converge President.

Mar 6 2024

Converge thanks Dr. Harold D. Lewis Sr. for his service as vice president of Biblical Diversity

Since 2018, Dr. Harold D. Lewis Sr. has been instrumental in advancing Converge's commitment to promoting biblical diversity.

Jul 24 2023

10 Liberty University students engage in Converge's Missionary Discovery & Assessment

10 Liberty University students engage in discovery process to serve Converge with valuable program evaluation

Jun 26 2023

Converge global worker elected to International Baptist Convention’s presidential leadership team

Nate Korpi’s reputation as a disciple maker in Panama makes him the embodiment of the IBC’s mission, according to its general secretary.

Apr 13 2023
