Gospel message echoes through northern Thailand
Ben Greene
Pastor & writer
- Missions
The truck rolling through Chongrak’s* (name changed for security purposes) city in northern Thailand promoted exactly what the 55-year-old disciple wanted: his neighbors would soon hear a message that had never been shared so publicly.
Weeks later, a crew set up a large stage and sound system in the town center, just as Chongrak planned. Soon, 1000 people would eat and listen to music here while dancers used traditional Thai forms to proclaim new life was possible.
Finally, on December 25, a crowd gathered, only minutes away from the first citywide gospel presentation in Chongrak’s lifetime. After the proclamation of Christ’s life and death, a Thai pastor invited everyone who wanted prayer to approach the stage.
At first, only a few people came forward. But then many people came forward and Christians prayed with them for healing and cast out demons. Thai people also said prayers of repentance and placed their faith in Christ.
Related: Watch this video to pray for exactly what Thais need.
Since the outreach, Chongrak said five new believers are studying the Bible in a small group he leads. Converge’s team and six churches in northern Thailand collaborated to share the gospel with the large crowd on Christmas Day.
Their motivation to make Christ known stems from a love for those in spiritual darkness. Greater than 90% of Thai people are Buddhist. Tens of thousands in this district live without a church, and Thai Christians number less than 1% of the country’s population, making the nation of 70 million people one of the world’s least-reached countries.
Related: Converge prioritizes gospel ministry among least-reached peoples.
Converge’s Thailand Initiative team is asking God for a gospel movement that transforms lives, changes communities and multiplies churches. To accomplish that, the team prioritizes developing transformational leaders who can start and multiply churches that create disciples.
Spiritual opportunity in this part of Thailand continues despite the challenges because people pray, give and serve. Thailand has gained momentum toward a gospel movement through the unity of the body of Christ and the message proclaimed on Christmas: there is salvation in no one else except Jesus Christ.
That declaration is just what Chongrak wanted for his neighbors on Christmas day.
Converge is asking God for a gospel movement among every least-reached people group – in our generation. Learn how we are playing a role in accomplishing the Great Commission and how you can be involved.
Ben Greene, Pastor & writer
Ben Greene is a freelance writer and pastor currently living in Massachusetts. Along with his ministry experience, he has served as a full-time writer for the Associated Press and in the newspaper industry.
Additional articles by Ben Greene