2021 Baxter Report

John & Jan Baxter



    As we complete our twentieth year as Converge (BGC) missionaries, we continue to be grateful for your partnership for the spread of the gospel and for these 2021 results.

Here's the summary: Pandemic restrictions allowed us to concentrate on several other important projects and God granted us a fruitful year of ministry.
...and for those interested in more details:

Director of the NextMove Network
The purpose of NextMove--a network of over thirty mission agencies and global mission groups (NextMove.net)--is to assist mission-sending organizations to become more effective in the context of global migration In 2021, NextMove advanced diaspora missions in these ways:
  • Formal Pathway Guidance Consultations – NextMove led task forces from SIL and Latin Link mission agencies through a formal consultation process to assist in their engagement with global migration. 
  • Re-envisioning mapping and data collection for dispersed unreached people groups -- In collaboration with Vision 5:9 Global Trends, NextMove created a new framework for understanding diaspora mapping. Our presentations at the Evangelical Missiological Society meetings, and mapping ministries such as the Joshua Project, are incorporating this new understanding. 
  • The Intentional Missional Transitions (IMT) network – Many mission agencies are seeing large numbers of staff returning to North America due to COVID. NextMove facilitated the creation of a network of mission agencies and diaspora ministries for redeploying returning missionaries among North American populations of the same people groups they were reaching overseas. 
  • Consultation on gospel movements among diaspora populations – With the goal of facilitating on-going research on gospel multiplication movements among unreached diaspora people groups, NextMove facilitated an online consultation for more than fifty mission leaders.
Director of Diaspora Ministries for Converge International Ministries
The role of Diaspora missions specialist in Converge IM is to assist all of our global staff to take advantage of mission opportunities among people on the move.
  • Converge Innovation Training – For most mission agencies, involvement in diaspora missions requires innovation. John’s consultant role in NextMove includes innovation. In 2021, John facilitated the first Converge Innovation Training. From that gathering, a task force worked created an innovation training pathway for all Converge IM staff. 
  • Itzinya Economic Missions Platform – Itzinya is business-as-missions platform designed for diaspora populations. As the Itzinya representatives for Converge, we promote this strategy among our global initiatives. Although delayed by the pandemic, the first expression of Itzinya for Converge will be in the Twin Cities in 2022. 
  • Disciple Making Movements Training (DMM) – Most outreach among unreached diaspora people groups uses a DMM or simple church approach. Converge IM is committed to training its global staff in the movements of gospel multiplication. John and Jan are part of the team creating this pathway which will be launched in early 2022.
Diaspora Missions Advisor for Missio Nexus
Missio Nexus is the largest North American missions network and association. This year, as the Diaspora Mission Advisor, John worked with a team to create a day of workshops on missions and migration for the annual Mission Leaders Conference in Dallas in September.
Affiliate Faculty with Sioux Falls Seminary
John continues as an affiliate faculty in missions for the graduate program at Sioux Falls Seminary. At present he works with two Converge missionaries pursuing masters degrees related to missions.
On-line Training Course in Diaspora Missions for Mission Agency Leaders
In association with the NextMove Network, the Baxters are creating a ten-lesson course for mission agency leaders integrating global migration into their core ministry calling. Three of the lessons are complete, but a necessary change in publishers has delayed release until 2022.

John & Jan Baxter, Missionary

Helping Converge missionaries and churches with effective engagement with unreached migrating people groups around the world.