Latin America Regional Impact Team
Latin America
Status: Raising support
ID: 000128
Helping the least reached people groups across Africa meet, know and follow Jesus
The Latin America Regional Impact Team seeks to come alongside partners in Latin America and the Caribbean to resource and assist them in building and strengthening gospel movements among the least-reached people groups in Latin America and around the world. It seeks to tap into the passion of the existing Latin America church to see gospel movements developed around the world.
- Work with high-capacity leaders in Latin America, assisting them to see movements in which they raise up disciple-makers who, in turn, train disciple-makers
- Work with evangelical movement leaders in Latin America to recruit, resource and train global workers who will go to least-reached people groups in Latin America and around the world
- Identify specialists who can work across national boundaries and who can come alongside national partners to help resource them in areas where they are requesting assistance
Latin America //
Working with people in Latin America and Caribbean.
Live out your faith today. Help take the gospel to the ends of the earth.