We came to Thailand in 2005 after sensing God's call to ignite a passion for the supremacy of Jesus Christ as the only true Lord and Savior among the Thai people. Since then we have been working seeking to start church planting movements.
Please pray that God would unleash his Spirit and his Word in Thailand so that many Thai people, who have traditionally been highly resistant to the gospel, will taste and see that Jesus is real, good and worthy of their worship.
We are seeking short and long-term partners who will come to Thailand and join us in our work both in northern Thailand. We are especially looking for people to join us long-term to plant churches in northern Thailand as part of The Northern Thailand Least-Reached Peoples Project (more information here).
Please pray for more church planting missionaries to come to Thailand, and for more Thai people to become disciples of Jesus Christ.
For more information you can contact us at: or

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man.” John Piper