Both Ana and I are product of Converge ministry here in Argentina. From the moment of our conversion as teenagers we have always been actively involved in ministry. After college I returned as a Converge short termer to a rural church plating ministry in the northern part of Santiago del Estero. After two years in the country I moved to the city of Santiago and became a tentmaker, serving in a local church as pastor, teaching in our local seminary and running a small business. It was during that time our paths crossed and a year after we married, we returned to the U.S. to go to seminary.
Appointed as Converge missionaries in March 1993 we returned home to Argentina early in 1996 as church planting missionaries in Santiago del Estero. Our current ministry is Cabildo Church, where we have recently established a team with retired pastors Carlos and Cristina Albornoz. With 40-plus years of ministry experience and a burning passion for the world, we are seeking to turn Cabildo Church into a transformational church planting movement and raising the leadership this movement will need. We are supporting three church plants and have 10 students in our leadership training program. We recently took potential leaders to a Timothy Initiative workshop and two of them have started small groups.
Living and working in a very marginal setting, we have also been working in the provision of safe drinking water, having built over 20 rainwater collection systems and presently working on a constructed wetland system that will purify the contaminated underground water. The building we have started in Hui–aj will also be a community center that provides job training, health workshops, small business training, sustainable agriculture and construction and the appropriate technology for this marginal ecological context.

Argentina //
Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach across the street and around the world with the gospel—locally and globally—we impact lives for eternity.
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