After meeting my first missionary when I was 15, I knew that is what I wanted to do with my life. I had no idea how it would happen, but after a long road of education, internships and support team building, I was sent to the Philippines. I served as a church planter and as a children's ministry coordinator.
I served in Thailand for two years at the Santisuk English School. I worked alongside very talented Filipino missionaries. They were very effective in building relationships with Thai students. That was when I realized that I could help prepare Filipinos to use Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL).
As a faculty member of Baptist Theological College and Cebu Graduate School of Theology (BTC/CGST) since 2001, I have had the privilege of training pastors, teacher and missionaries. I have been a part of the training of missionaries from BSOP (Bethlehem Start of Peace: an organization started by Filipinos to send Filipinos to hard-to-reach nations). BSOP has invited me to be their director of International Training.
I now see how the Lord has guided me each step of the way on this challenging journey of following him. A new challenge is coming! I sense that the Lord will have me continue my training ministries and expand to Thailand and Cambodia. I wonder how this will all play out. I guess I will know with one step at a time.

Thailand //
The Philippines is positioned strategically to reach many in ASEAN nations. Many Filipino believers are following the Lord's call to unreached peoples.
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