Least-Reached Peoples, (ethnic groups with less than 4% professing Christ among a majority of Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Atheist, secular and/or animist people) usually have never seen a Bible, don't know any Christians personally, and wouldn't visit a church if it's not within their own ethnic and cultural group. The greatest concentration of these peoples are in Asia, which is home to 60% of the worlds population. Given that Jesus is their only hope for eternal life, and He commanded us to go reach them, it is critical that the few believers in unreached areas be trained and organized for evangelism, discipleship, leadership, and multiplication! The Converge Asian Impact Team is designed to assist Asian leaders and churches unleash gospel movements all across the largest block of Least-Reached Peoples in the world. Larry and Helen Taylor are uniquely gifted for this kind of ministry. In Asia they planted five house churches in one of the largest Muslim ethnic groups; Helen set up a medical clinic, and Larry co-founded (with a Chinese Pentecostal denomination leader) a national mission agency that fields church planting teams in 15 Asian Unreached People Groups. They led their own church planting team of multinational believers, while mentoring other teams and founding missionary-sending bases in two Southeast Asian countries. Here in the USA they remain active bridging believers with the unreached, assisting local immigrant churches, leading a Bible Study for Asian immigrants, serving on the Board of a significant annual Christian conference on Islam, plus direct engagement with local Muslims, while also weekly training leaders in an Islamic Asian country via the internet. Their goal? They aim to facilitate movements of Least Reached Peoples to Christ, through multiplying the intentional witness of trained, organized Christians who care. Your fellowship, prayers, participation, connections and financial support are deeply appreciated!

Asia Impact Team //
Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Communism, -What do all these have in common? They are all centered in Asia! Our greatest privilege is joining Jesus in what he is building: his church. When we reach out to Asians with the gospel —locally and globally—we can be changing the course of history, and impact lives for eternity.
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