Kevin left a successful career as an officer in the United States Navy to enter full-time ministry. After seminary, he became the founding pastor of Bethany Community Church in Laurel, Maryland. Over the next three decades, he would not only lead Bethany, but also spearhead a number of community impact initiatives – rallying pastors and churches for Kingdom causes. After 32 years of leading the church he loved, Kevin joined the senior leadership team of Converge as the Director of U.S. Engagement. The department that he leads is helping churches across the U.S. focus on the center of the Great Commission bullseye – asking God to launch a gospel movement among the least-reached peoples of the world in our generation. Among the least-reached in every land are Deaf people groups who hold a special place in Kevin’s heart since 1/5 of his congregation was Deaf. Kevin has been married to Ann since 1981. The McGhees have two amazing adult daughters who are both active in full-time ministry.

Director of U.S. Engagement //
The U.S. Engagement Team lives by the motto, "Find some people you love and do something God-sized together."
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