As a pastor's daughter, I had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home and the joy of serving the church and the local community. This also meant that I saw the brokenness of those who did not know Christ, especially when missionaries would visit and share their stories.
Through my schooling, God refined his call on my life by giving me a desire to work with other cultures and nations. My degree in Social Work taught me how to foster greater connections between people and organizations that could help meet needs in a strategic, holistic way. After this journey, God led me to work with my church in Connecticut, where overseeing Missions & Outreach, I saw the need to for additional education, equipping and support as a church body to reach the unreached peoples locally and globally.
In 2019, God called me to say “yes” to a new journey of joining the U.S. Engagement Team of Converge International Ministries to use my gifts to serve the local church. As a Church Mobilization Associate, I am currently serving churches through our 2:10 FOCUS mission coaching. Based on Ephesians 2:10, this discernment process helps the local church strategically concentrate their identified passions and resources to reach the least-reached around the world. Once fully funded, I am excited to develop new strategic coaching tools for How To Be a Great Sending Church and How To Reach the Nations In Our Own Backyard. In addition to mobilizing the local church through coaching, I am honored to serve as the Communications Liaison for the U.S. Engagement team working with the Converge Communication team to share all that God is doing through Converge International Ministries to the local church and ministry partners.
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