Smiling family of four

Bruno Serafim da Luz

Brazil, Latin America
Status: Raising support
ID: 233111

Help Bruno plant churches in the least-reached region of Brazil by connecting, evaluating, and mentoring other planters.

Monthly funding progress: 5%
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Before becoming involved in the mission, I was a Physical Therapist and Physical Education teacher. I had a few gyms in my city. When I met Jesus in 2013, I understood he was calling me to the ministry. Five years later, after selling my gyms, we started planning to plant a church in our town.

So, in 2019, we planted our first church in the city of Criciúma. In 2022 we planted two more churches in the cities of Içara and Palhoça. We intend to plant 15 more churches in the next 7 years. For this, we are working to connect new planters. We have developed an assessment center for church planters and a training and mentoring center.

Brazil, Latin America //  

Personal ministry funds

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