Church strengthening
Bright Lights and Bugs
When I was in seminary, I worked at a big church in the Twin Cities. It wasn’t just a great place to learn about ministry—it was a place where I got to see how it’s done in real life. It was the perfect complement to all the stuff I was learning in class.
Aug 14 2024
Regional Teams: Why Take the Time? Why Make the Effort?
All three of my kids and their spouses run. I mean, they do it for fun. No one’s making them do it. I have no idea where they got the idea that running outside year-round in Minnesota is enjoyable. They certainly didn’t get it from me. They all started after they moved out.
But they’re into it. They do 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, and full marathons. They’ve done races in Fargo, Grandma’s, the Twin Cities, New York, and even Boston.
Me? I don’t run. I walk.
Jul 11 2024
God's Place in Your Perspective
Perhaps now more than ever, your resiliency is being tested. Getting up after being knocked down by adversity is harder. Recovering from crisis and disruption takes longer. Personal resiliency is needed to navigate and effectively serve your churches. But how?
Aug 5 2022
Converge North Central partners with many organizations. Here are a few that we encourage you to check out.
Feb 27 2019