He Gets Us: A Simple Evangelistic Tool for your Church

Jonathan Wicklund

Interim Regional President, Converge North Central

  • Church strengthening

Have you seen those commercials on TV that tell some story about Jesus and end with the phrase, He Gets Us? Perhaps they’ve come across your social media feed. Or maybe you’ve seen them on a billboard or in a stadium? If you’re a fan of the Super Bowl commercials, you’ll see it definitely on February 12!

Have you ever wondered who was responsible and what happens if someone clicks on the link?

Funded by the non-profit group, The Servant Christian Foundation, the campaign has a variety of partners ranging from Barna, MOPS, American Bible Society, Carey Nieuwhof, Compassion, CRU, Christianity Today, Wheaton College, and the Billy Graham Center among others.

When someone clicks on the He Gets Us, they are taken to a website, in addition to information and resources, they can choose four ways to engage: a Bible reading plan on the YouVersion app, connect with a group or someone in their area, request prayer, or find positive encouragement.

What if the person who is seeking some engagement as a result of this campaign lives in your community? How will they be followed up?

The He Gets Us campaign uses partner churches to engage with people in their community who have expressed an interest in learning more about Jesus. Your church has the opportunity to be a partner church and interact with people in your community who have requested that someone to reach out to them! The campaign includes resources and tools for the church and individuals to utilize.

He Gets Us makes the invitation for people to discover Jesus. When they respond with interest, it’s a local church that reaches out to them.  Check out this website.

Converge has also partnered and endorsed this campaign. Hear more about it from Ed Stetzer.

Ed Stetzer

Remember the 1979 movie, Jesus, which was created by Campus Crusade (CRU)? Though it made a blip at the box office, it has been seen by over 5 billion people and translated into over 1000 languages. Twenty years ago, the New York Times suggested it might be the most-watched and most-translated movie of all time. From ads on primetime television, during the Super Bowl, on social media feeds, billboards, and stadiums, this new campaign will be seen by millions over the coming months. What if it would have same kind of impact like the 1979 Jesus film? Your church could be a part of this impact.

Please, check out the links in this article to get more information. Joel Nelson is also available to answer your questions as well!

Jonathan Wicklund, Interim Regional President, Converge North Central

Interim Regional President

Additional articles by Jonathan Wicklund