6 Degree Initiative


Vocational Training

Exciting News and Gratitude!
I am thrilled to announce that by God's grace and your generosity, we have reached our financial goal for my mission trip to Senegal!!! When I decided to go on this trip, everyone told me not to worry about the financial aspect,...
Spring Time Update and Prayer Request
As I continue on this journey towards my missions goal, I am incredibly grateful to share that I am now only about $500 away from reaching it. Surprisingly, raising this money has been smoother than I ever imagined; it's clear to me that t...
Storming the gates of the enemy
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris iaculis magna ac nulla tincidunt, feugiat auctor dui imperdiet. Donec sagittis et diam ac faucibus. Cras aliquet non lorem non rutrum. Etiam sollicitudin, est ut cursus sagitt...