Rethinking digital - Why churches are reconsidering and recalibrating their live stream
After the global pandemic shifted the way churches thought about their digital presence, online engagement is starting to shift once again. It's time to reconsider our digital methods once again.
Making an impact with [IM]PACT
Imagine a church raising up a leader since their birth and watching them embark for the first time in the missions field 25 years later. Well, that is what Calvary Church of West Hartford, CT is experiencing with member Rebekah Dostie.
Jun 27 2023
Decision Making Traps
Are you putting yourself in a decision making trap? Read more on how to stay out of sticky situations.
Apr 5 2023
Pastoral Self-Care
Pastoral ministry is a sacred calling. It requires the best that we have in terms of serving a congregation. The tasks seem overwhelming at times and there is often a long list of unfinished business that must be carried over to the next day. The accumulated demands are confusing. Where to start? There is no end of what need to be done.
Aug 2 2022
Point magazine

September 2022 //
Overflow: You can’t give away what you don’t have