Jon & Barb Terrill

United Kingdom
Status: On field
ID: 142346

Serving local church movements in the U.K. for revitalization and outreach in partnership with The Alliance of Transatlantic Theological Training

Monthly funding progress: 90%
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God is calling all the peoples of the earth to walking in alignment with him. God has called us to serve local faith movements as they seek to revitalize and engage in outreach to their communities. We will come alongside of a local church in the United Kingdom to partner with them as they revitalize and reach out to their communities with the good news Jesus brings. We hope to encourage and equip others in this calling. We hope to help them find their role in serving and take their next step of faith in their journey.

United Kingdom // Serving local church movements in the U.K. for revitalization and outreach in partnership with The Alliance of Transatlantic Theological Training 

Personal ministry funds

Donate to a missionary to help provide specific tools and equipment needed to advance local ministry.
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