15:5 West Initiative.
We are asking God to catalyze gospel movements in the 15 largest cities of Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia that would also place gospel communities in 5 unreached villages around each city.
We are Lemueling and Brittany Martinez. God called us to get involved in what He is doing in Szczecin, Poland. Szczecin is a city of 400,000 in the northwest of the country with less than half of a percent of Christ followers.
As we look to catalyze gospel movements among these 15 largest cities, we will focus on 4 key areas of ministry.
- Community Engagement: Sharing the truths of the gospel by addressing practical needs and issues in our local communities.
- Discipleship/Church Planting: Implementing strategies of discipleship multiplication to start new churches and strengthen existing ones.
- Leadership Development: Encouraging and coaching leaders to multiply disciples and churches.
- Collaboration: Developing partnerships and promoting strategic teamwork among evangelical churches and ministries.
We are so close to our goal and we need your help. We need partners that will support us in weekly prayer, monthly giving, and loving on us by visiting us and being part of what God is doing in Szczecin, Poland.
Please partner with us by clicking below.

We are praying that God will begin a disciple-making gospel movement that would give everyone in the city of Szczecin the opportunity to hear of and respond to the Gospel. In partnership with local Evangelical leaders, we will be working among the 400,000 people in the city of Szczecin and the surrounding area.
As our family moves out in faith to Poland, we pray that you step out in faith with your prayers and financial giving. Regardless of who goes or who stays, we are all called to be on mission to reach the lost for Christ.
Please join us.