21 Days of Impactful Prayer: Day 17



  • Discipleship & spiritual formation

As we begin the new year, Converge churches and missionaries from around the globe will embark on 21 Days of Prayer. Join us on this prayer journey by reading the daily entries on Converge’s blog, or by downloading your free 21 Days of Impactful Prayer: Moving Forward guide. In addition, you can share daily posts from our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feeds. Thank you for joining us as we open 2021 in prayer together.

Day 17: Sending is Needed

How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? 15 And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” (Romans 10:14-15)


The logic of the above verses is clear and simple. Sending is needed. Still, today 29% of the world’s population have no access to the gospel. They do not know a Christian, have no church near them and have no way to hear of Jesus, even if they wanted to. The world awaits messengers. People with the calling to be messengers need the church to send them. There is no Plan B. If we don’t tell unreached people about Jesus, how can they hear?

And, by the way, among this 29% of the world’s population, 70,000 die daily never having heard about Jesus. Sending is needed — urgency is required!


The task of reaching the world seems daunting, yet Jesus calls all of us to be faithful — individuals and churches. We each must do our part to see Romans 10:14-15 lived out beautifully. While we are wrestling with whether we will sacrificially send those compelled to go, they are laboring intensely to be where God is calling them to minister.

As of this writing, Converge has more than 60 global workers striving to get to the world’s least-reached peoples. They are eager to reach those who so desperately need to hear the gospel of Jesus. What role can you play in sending?


Father in heaven, give me eyes to see lost people the way you see them. Help me to be broken by the fact that billions of people still have never heard about Jesus. I’m asking you to do a deep and holy work in my heart so that I love people the way you love them. Show me my part in sending those who are called. Help me to provide “beautiful feet” who bring the good news to those who need it most. I pray this humbly and in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Converge, National

Converge is a movement of churches working together to help people meet, know and follow Jesus. We do this by starting and strengthening churches together worldwide.

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